- Norway 2
- race 2
- Department of Popular Music 2
- World Music 1
- postdoctoral fellow at Africa Open Institute 1
- African Studies 1
- AfroLatinas 1
- Alternative Popular Music 1
- American Music 1
- Assistant Professor of Music Theory an der University of Kentucky. Vorher Lecturer of Music Theory an der University of Massachusetts Amherst. Schwerpunkte: musical contour theory 1
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, unterrichtet an der Ryerson University in the RTA School of Media; PhD in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester ; Themen: exhibition of popular music culture and popular music’s influence on contemporary art
Wirkungsdaten 2015-, Bibliothekar und Interimskoordinator der Research Collections am Center for Popular Music; Middle Tennessee State University; Murfreesboro. Informationswissenschaftler; Kirchenmusiker.
Wirkungsdaten ca. 21.Jh., is an associate professor of ethnomusicology and dance studies at Residental College in the Arts and Humanities at Michigan State University. She has conducted fieldwork in dancehalls in the Midwestern United States; studying the performance of couple dance genres like salsa; swing; tango; and ballroom. Her work on popular culture involves the relationship between music and dance as well as the dynamics of affinity groups; cross-cultural encounters; and amateur performance. Her research on whiteness; race; and performance appears in The Journal of American Folklore; Dance Research Journal; American Music; and elsewhere. Before joining MSU; Joanna taught at Bowdoin College and Millikin University. When not in her office; Joanna enjoys dancing; “musicking; ” swimming; and playing in the park with her daughter; Ellery.
Wirkungsdaten 2014-, Musikwissenschaftler; Nesna University College; lehrt Ethnomusikwissenschaft und popular music
Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Multidisciplinary scholar who focuses on bodily representation and identity construction through images in popular Western Culture
Wirkungsdaten 2019, Senior Lecturer in Music Technology and Popular Music an der Univ. of Wolverhampton
1944 - , Leila Khaled is an icon of the "Palestinian revolution:' Born in Haifa; her family was forced to flee in 1948 and relocate to Lebanon. Khaled became the first female member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in 1967. Most known for her hijacking of two airplanes (one in 1969 and one in 1970); Khaled became internationally recognized as a face of Palestinian resistance. Today she resides in Amman 'and continues her activism as a member of the PFLP Leadership Council.
1984 - , 2008-2012 Masterstudium der Public History an der Freien Universität Berlin; seit 2012 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit im Forschungsprojekt "Living History. Prehistory between Research and Popular Performance"; Promotion an der Universität Potsdam
Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Department Chair of Music Composition at Full Sail University. Research interests include theories of rhythm and meter; music theory pedagogy; and the analysis of popular music.
Wirkungsdaten 2018, Department of Popular Music; University of. Agder; Kristiansand; Norway