Khaled, Leila
- Lebensdaten
- 1944 -
- Beruf/Funktion
- Leila Khaled is an icon of the "Palestinian revolution:' Born in Haifa ; her family was forced to flee in 1948 and relocate to Lebanon. Khaled became the first female member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in 1967. Most known for her hijacking of two airplanes (one in 1969 and one in 1970) ; Khaled became internationally recognized as a face of Palestinian resistance. Today she resides in Amman 'and continues her activism as a member of the PFLP Leadership Council.
- Normdaten
- GND: 118722166 | OGND | VIAF: 112211089
- Namensvarianten
- Khaled, Leila
- Ḫālid, Laila
- Ḫālid, Layla
- Laylá Khalid