1892 – 1949, Chemiker

1927 – 2020, Jazz-Musiker; Saxophonist

1971 - , Filmeditor; Regisseur; Cineast; Filmregisseur

1924 - 1998, Pianistin; Jazzmusikerin; Musikerin

1956 - , Musiker; Songwriter; Musikproduzent; Keyboard; Keyboarder

1906 - 2000, Rechtsanwalt; Schriftsteller; Bürgerrechtler; Rechtsprofessor

1920 - 2009, Politikerin; Schriftstellerin

1934 - , PhD in American colonial history at the Harvard University in 1961. American historian specializing in American legal and constitutional history and the history of philanthropy. He is director of the Princeton University Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies and director emeritus of the American Council of Learned Societies.

1963 - , Filmproduzentin; Regieassistentin
