1924 - , began his career as a correspondent for the New York Times; doctoral degrees in economics from Princeton University; master's degree from the University of California; Berkeley; served on many university faculties in the United States; including the University of California; Haverford College; Rice University and Boston University; his scholarly work seeks to bring accounting and economics closer together; an interest he applied in work with developing countries and consulting engagements with the U.S. Departments of Treasury and State and the U. S. Agency for International Development

1958 - , Lecturer in the Dep. of Publ. and Social Administration at the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (1991). Hon S. Chan; PhD; is the president of the HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College; Hong Kong. His research interests relate mainly to China’s cadre personnel system and civil service system; and to its use of performance management.

1960 - , associate professor in Contemporary Studies at the University of King’ s College; in Halifax; Nova Scotia
