keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Methodology in the School of Education at the University at Albany; State University of New York; USA
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Professor at University of Kansas; Division of Music Education and Music Therapy
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, associate professor (music education); Ph.D. in music education from the Eastman School of Music
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Professor and Director of Music Education at the University of Montevallo; Ph.D. in Music with an emphasis in music education from the University of Nebraska
1965 - , associate professor; director; Centre for Palliative Care Education and Research; St. Vincent's Hospital and The University of Melbourne; Australia
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Professor and Head of Music Education in Arts Education in MGSE; Ph.D.; University of Sydney; 1996
Wirkungsdaten [20. Jh.], associate professor and the director of music education at DePaul University in Chicago; IL; PhD Northwestern University
1956 - , Associate professor; School of Music; Theatre and Dance; elementary general music education; PhD from UNCG
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, "Associate Professor at the University of Aarhus; Department of Education; and lives in Copenhagen; he has written many books on philosophy of music education"
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Professor; College of Education; Psychology and Social Work; Flinders University; Ph.D. (VUW; New Zealand)