- Abteilung für darstellende Kunst 1
- Amherst 1
- Ass. Professor für Musikerziehung 1
- Assistant Professor of Music Theory an der University of Kentucky. Vorher Lecturer of Music Theory an der University of Massachusetts Amherst. Schwerpunkte: musical contour theory 1
- Berkeley 1
- Boston 1
- City University of New York 1
- D.B.A. Boston University. Boston 1
- Germany 1
- Graduate School for Health Studies 1
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Prof. of Management at Clark University Graduate School of Management; Worcester; D.B.A. Boston University. Boston; MA; M.A. Simmons College; Graduate School of Management. Boston; Simmons College; Graduate School for Health Studies; Boston; Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. Boston; Volkswagen of America; Inc. Englewood Cliffs; NJ; Olympia International. Wilhelmshaven; Germany
Wirkungsdaten 2011-, University of Massachusetts; Lowell
Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], tätig an der University of Massachusetts Boston; Ass. Professor für Musikerziehung; Abteilung für darstellende Kunst
Wirkungsdaten 2018-, Lecturer of Music Theory; an der University of Massachusetts Amherst
Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], tätig an der University of Massachusetts Amherst
Wirkungsdaten 20-, University of Massachusetts Amherst
1935 - , Professor of Judaic Studies amd Music History at the University of Massachusetts; Amherst; also active as composer
Wirkungsdaten 2012-, Musiktheoretiker; Assistant Professor of Music Theory an der University of Kentucky. Vorher Lecturer of Music Theory an der University of Massachusetts Amherst. Schwerpunkte: musical contour theory; transformation theory; phenomenology; the analysis of post-tonal; popular; and non-western musics.
Wirkungsdaten 1966-, codicologist specialising in 15th-century English manuscripts; an independent scholar; she is associated with the University of Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Center for the Book; received her Ph.D. 1966 from the University of California; Berkeley
Wirkungsdaten 2007, Prof. of European studies; foreign languages and literatures; Massachusetts Inst. of Technolgy; associate professor and Mellon Resident Fellow at the Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center; City University of New York; teaches comparative literature at the Graduate Center and LaGuardia Community College