1946 - , Tätig an d. School of Computer Science; Carleton Univ.; Ottawa

Wirkungsdaten [21. Jh.], PhD-Studentin an der Univ. of Ottawa; School of Music. (Stand 2021)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Univ. of Ottawa

Wirkungsdaten 1972-, Dep. of Political Science; Carleton Univ.; Ottawa (1988)

1948 - , Before joining the World Bank; ... worked at the Canadian International Development Agency; most recently as the Director of the Multilateral Development Banks unit and before that as head of aid for Canada’s development assistance program at the Canadian Embassy in Addis Ababa; He lived in Ethiopia ; also worked as a sessional lecturer in international business at McGill and in international marketing at both the Univ. of Ottawa and at McGill Univ.

1943 - , Professorin am Dept. of Criminology; Univ. of Ottawa; Canada
