keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Senior Lecturer in Medieval HIstory at the University of Edinburgh; UK (2011)

Wirkungsdaten ca. 21. Jh., The University of Edinburgh; Scotland

Wirkungsdaten 2014; ca. 21. Jh., University of Edinburgh (2012); lecturer in Digital Humanities and Information Studies at the University of Glasgow (2022)

Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], tätig am Bayes Centre; The University of Edinburgh; Rechenzentrum

Wirkungsdaten 2008-, PhD; King's College; Cambridge University; 2009. Lecturer in International Development; University of Edinburgh. U.a. tätig für United Nations High Commission for Refugees Policy Development and Evaluation Unit. Semior Research Associate at the Regugee Law Initiative at the School of Advanced Studies; University of London

Wirkungsdaten 2015, doctorate at the University of Edinburgh was devoted to the Queen Mary and Lamont harps

1775 - 1813, Professor of oriental languages in the university of Edinburgh
