1947 - , Deputy Director; ILO’s Asian Regional Team for Employment Promotion (1988-1990); Senior Economist; ILO's Regional Team for Employment Promotion; Bangkok/New Delhi (1980-1988)

1974 - , Senior Economist im Arbeitsbereich Beschäftigung und Qualifikation

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Economist at The World Bank; Washington; D.C.; Ausbildung an der Georgetown University; Senior Project Management Consultant an der National Bank of Hungary

1948 - , Senior economist in the Economics and Policy Div. of the World Bank's Agriculture and Rural Development Department; President of Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev; Israel (1990); Pervyj vice-prezident Associacii Marketinga (1994); Pervyj Zamestitelʹ Ministra Gosudarstvennogo Imuščestva RF (1998)

1974 - , Tätig als Senior Economist at Research Depeartment of the Dutch Central Bank

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Senior Economist; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; IL; USA (1994)

[19XX] - , Wirtschaftsmathematiker; Volkswirt; Senior Energy Economist
