keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, School of History; Classics and Archaeology

1968 - , Professor of Jewish History in Modern Times and Chair of the School of History at the University of Haifa

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, University of Turku; Faculty of Humanities/School of History; Culture and Arts Studies

1957 - , Associate professor of Church History and Historical and Systematic Theology in the School of Theology and Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America

1944 - , Tätig bei FArådet i Stockholm; Tätig an der Stockholm School of Economics; Riga; Latvia; Tätig am Centre for Business History; Stockholm

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, 1996 Ph.D.; Center for Old World Art and Archaeology; Brown University; Department of History of Art and Visual Culture and Department of Architecture; Rhode Island School of Design; Providence; RI

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Dr.; School of History & History of Art; King's College; Aberdeen; Senior Lecturer in History of Art

Wirkungsdaten [Gegenwart], Dozentin für Alte Geschichte an der Cardiff School of History and Archaeology; Forschungsschwerpunkt: Römische Militärgeschichte; brit. Historikerin

1946 - , Dozent für industrial relations an der Univ. of Kent at Canterbury ; visiting fellow; Business History Unit ; Brit. Industriesoziologe ; tätig am King's College London; Management Centre und an der Said Business School; Univ. of Oxford

1947 - , Visiting Prof.; Department of Economic History; London School of Economics
