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  • Beukel, Erik

    1945 - , Associate Prof.; Dep. of Political Science and Public Management; Odense Univ. (2001)

  • Bouscaren, Anthony Trawick

    1920 - , Prof. of Political Science

  • Cohen, Lenard J.

    1952 - , Prof. of Political Science; Tätig an der Simon Fraser Univ.; British Columbia; Canada

  • Day, Richard B.

    1942 - , Prof. of political science; Univ. of Toronto; Prof. of political economy; Erindale College; Spezialgebiet: Sowjetische Volkswirtschaft und politische Geschichte

  • Frisch, Morton J.

    1923 - 2006, Prof. of Political Science at Northern Illinois Univ.

  • Kim, Youn-soo

    1937 - 1998, Prof. of political science; Taegu Univ.; Korea (1986)

  • Pious, Richard M.

    1944 - , Prof. of American Studies in the Political Science Dep. at Barnard College; New York; NY

  • Reinhardt, Eric R.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Assoc. Prof.; tätig im Dep. of Political Science; Emory Univ.; Atlanta

  • Roeder, Philip G.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Univ. of New Mexico (1985); Prof. of political science at the Univ. of Calif. (2007)

  • Schroeder, Paul W.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Prof. of History and Political Science
