Erweiterte Suche


  • Gecser, Ottó

    1975 - , Assistant prof. at the Fac. of Social Sciences; Eötvös Lorand Univ. and research fellow at the Dept. of Medieval Studies of Central European Univ. in Budapest

  • Jenkins, Brian

    1944 - , Prof. of French Area Studies; co-editor of Mapping the extreme right in contemporary Europe; professor emeritus of French at Univ. of Leeds; author of Nationalism in France; also co-editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies

  • Martin, Roderick

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig an der Central European University (CEU); CEU Business School; Budapest; Ungarn; Prof. of Industrial Sociology at Imperial College; Prof.; Dep. of Management Studies; Univ. Glasgow; UK

  • Scribner, Charity

    Wirkungsdaten 2007, Prof. of European studies; foreign languages and literatures; Massachusetts Inst. of Technolgy; associate professor and Mellon Resident Fellow at the Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center; City University of New York; teaches comparative literature at the Graduate Center and LaGuardia Community College
