keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Prof. emeritus; Technical Univ. of Athens; Ex Prof. of Economics at the Piraeus' Industrial School (1990)

1927 - 2009, Prof. für internationale Wirtschaft an der Rutgers Univ.; Prof. emeritus der Univ. of Reading; Brit. Prof. d. Wirtschaftswiss.

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Prof. Emeritus of dance studies at Temple Univ. and Research Fellow in the Center for Folklore and Ethnography; Univ. of Pennsylvania (2000)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Prof. emeritus of Economics; Richmond (1993)

1927 - 2017, Geograf; Anthropogeograph, Wirtschaftsgeograph; Prof. Emeritus of Human Geography and Economic Geography

1911 - 1994, Emeritus Prof. of Economics; Univ. of Amsterdam (1987)

1943 - , Historiker; Prof. Emeritus and Senior Scholar in the Dep. of History, York Univ., Canada

Wirkungsdaten 1966-, Emeritus prof. of economics; Boston Univ.; Boston; Mass.; Harvard Univ. (1988)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Prof. Emeritus of Physics at the Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst ; taught at Ohio State Univ. ; Univ. of Pittsburgh ; Princeton Univ. ; Johns Hopkins Univ. (1982)

1944 - , Prof. of French Area Studies; co-editor of Mapping the extreme right in contemporary Europe; professor emeritus of French at Univ. of Leeds; author of Nationalism in France; also co-editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies

Leaflet | Map tiles by BSB MDZ, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.