1982 - , Ineke studied history and theology at the University of Leiden; The Netherlands; and obtained a PhD in Theology from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Belgium; as well as a PhD in Literature from the University of Antwerp; in 2011

Wirkungsdaten 2009, Researching his PhD at King's College; London; (2009) examining aesthetic politics and philosophy in recent music history

1934 - , PhD in American colonial history at the Harvard University in 1961. American historian specializing in American legal and constitutional history and the history of philanthropy. He is director of the Princeton University Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies and director emeritus of the American Council of Learned Societies.

Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Musiktheoretikerin; Associate Professor; University of Hong Kong. Research interests: history of music theory; psychology of music; theory and analysis; history of listening; and in particular; from the interrelationship between music theory and the science of the mind.; PhD in music theory from Columbia Univ.

1971 - , researcher; specialising in Nordic music history; particularly 20th century processes of modernisation; gender issues; and contemporary music; PhD on composer Pauline Hall (1890-1969)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD in history; Stanford University; Max Weber Fellow am European University Institute Florence; Assistant professor of Twentieth Century European History; Department of History; Trinity College Dublin

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Research Professor for the Department of Humanities; Universidad Metropolitana Cupey Campus; Forschungsschwerpunkt: Cultural History; PhD Indiana University; Bloomington; Themen: Latin American and Caribbean History; African American Studies; Atlantic Studies; Puerto Rican History; Afro-Caribbean musical expressions; Historical Thinking; Race and Ethnic relations in the Americas; Cultural Politics; and Cultural Management
