keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, unterrichtet an der Ryerson University in the RTA School of Media; PhD in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester ; Themen: exhibition of popular music culture and popular music’s influence on contemporary art
1955 - , Works as PhD mentor at the Research Institute of History and Culture; University of Utrecht. Parttime she works as post-doc on Late Medieval Passion Meditation. As PhD mentor she supports the appr. 65 PhD students of the Research Institute. This means that she monitors the progress of the PhD projects and supports the PhD's if problems of any kind occur. Furthermore; she organizes a training program for the PhD students.
Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], Univ.Prof. MMag. PhD.; tätig an der Bruckner Universität Linz
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD 1967 in Sussex; Senior Fellow der Universität of Minnesota
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Teaching Associate at the University of Cape Coast; Ghana; PhD candidate at the University of Cape Coast; and the University of Hildesheim in Germany
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD student at Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Assistant Professor in Language and Literacy at the Faculty of Education; Queen’s University; PhD in Developmental Psychology and Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; University of Toronto
Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], PhD an der Polytechnischen Universität Valencia
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD student in music education
Wirkungsdaten 2017-, PhD student; Aix-Marseille Université; LMA