- Assistant Professor of Music Theory an der University of Kentucky. Vorher Lecturer of Music Theory an der University of Massachusetts Amherst. Schwerpunkte: musical contour theory 1
- Atonality 1
- Histories of Music Theory 1
- Late Tonality 1
- Mathematical Models of Music 1
- Music Theory 1
- Theories of Harmonic Function 1
- University of Toronto 1
- an der University of Massachusetts Amherst 1
- and non-western musics. 1
Wirkungsdaten 2018-, Lecturer of Music Theory; an der University of Massachusetts Amherst
Wirkungsdaten 2014-, Lecturer in Music theory at the University of Pittsburgh. Fields: Music theory; Atonality; Late Tonality; Theories of Harmonic Function; Histories of Music Theory; Mathematical Models of Music
Wirkungsdaten [1964], Senior Lecturer; Music Theory; University of Toronto
Wirkungsdaten 2012-, Musiktheoretiker; Assistant Professor of Music Theory an der University of Kentucky. Vorher Lecturer of Music Theory an der University of Massachusetts Amherst. Schwerpunkte: musical contour theory; transformation theory; phenomenology; the analysis of post-tonal; popular; and non-western musics.