- OP 7
- Japan 2
- Washington 2
- etc. 2
- OFM 2
- President 2
- (USSR) 1
- 1.5: "Conventus Coloniensis Patrum Carmelitarum Discalceatorum ex liberali dono Rssmi Domini Gui[?] Jois Josephi de Haes" und: "Ex liberali Dono Rssmi Dni Jois Josephi de Haes nunc me possidet Conuentus Coloniensis P.P. Carmelitar Discalceatorum" 1
- 1796 fand eine Versteigerung von Münzen in Dresden statt 1
- 1965 and 1966 and was President of the Finance Committee from 1958 to 1960 1
- Kalliope-Verbund 25
- Manuscripta Mediaevalia 24
- Bibliothek des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte München - Berlin 15
- Katalog der MGH-Bibliothek 8
- musiconn - Für vernetzte Musikwissenschaft 7
- Personen im Personenverzeichnis der Fraktionsprotokolle KGParl 4
- Bildarchiv im Bundesarchiv 3
- Regesta Imperii 3
- Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach - Kallías 2
- Filmothek des Bundesarchivs 2
Wirkungsdaten [8. Jh.], Capitula selecta ex antiqua canonum collectione; Adnotatio de synodis
1945 - 2016, Swedish author and radio/print journalist; Swedish National Radio’s foreign correspondent to Moscow; (USSR); Vienna (Austria); and Warsaw (Poland); Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Jamtland since 1995; former president of the Svenska Filmakademin
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Prof. emeritus; Technical Univ. of Athens; Ex Prof. of Economics at the Piraeus' Industrial School (1990)
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, is the current president of the Recording Industry Association of Trinidad & Tobago.
Wirkungsdaten [15. Jh.], De firmitate sex scientiarium. trans lat. ex lingua arab. a Ioanne Hispalensi; Liber intelligentiarum; Pyromania
Wirkungsdaten [um 1314], Schweiz. Dominikaner aus Bern; Antiphona de B. Virgine ex diversis partibus antiphonarum; responsoriorum; hymnorum; retinentibus tamen proprium sonum cum propriis melodiis
1412 - 1468, Ital. Chronist; lat. Dichter; Carmen de varietate fortunae; De origine et vario regimine civitatis Mediolani ex diversis cronicis extractus
Wirkungsdaten [um 600/638], Cpg 7983: Fragmenta ex vita Simeonis Stylitis iunioris; Laudatio S. Georgii
1945 - , Tätig an der American Univ.; Washington DC and President of the Free Africa Foundation; Tätig an der Bloomsburg Univ.; he is a native of Ghana; West Africa; Tätig an der Stanford Univ.
1909 - 1995, CERN: President of the Council at CERN for the years 1964; 1965 and 1966 and was President of the Finance Committee from 1958 to 1960; in the Netherlands; he is Director of ZWO (Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research) and also Vice-President of the National Commission for UNESCO