keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, UCSD Dep. of Political Science; La Jolla; CA (1996)

1945 - , Associate Prof.; Dep. of Political Science and Public Management; Odense Univ. (2001)

1944 - , Prof. of American Studies in the Political Science Dep. at Barnard College; New York; NY

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Assoc. Prof.; tätig im Dep. of Political Science; Emory Univ.; Atlanta

Wirkungsdaten 1972-, Dep. of Political Science; Carleton Univ.; Ottawa (1988)

1975 - , Dep. of Political Science and International Relations; Eastern Mediterranean Univ.; Famagusta; N. Cyprus

1946 - , Tätig in dem Dep. of European; International and Comparative Law; Fac. of Law; Univ. of Vienna; Tätig in der London School of Economics and Political Science; Tätig an der Univ. Amsterdam
