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  • Bodnar, John E.

    1944 - , Associate Dean of the Faculties; Associate Prof. of History and Director of the Oral History Research Center at Indiana Univ.; Bloomington (1985)

  • Cleveland, Harlan

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, President; World Acad. of Art and Science (1995); Dean; Univ. of Minnesota; Hubert H. Humphrey Inst. of Public Affairs (1985)

  • Duncan-Jones, A. S.

    1879 - 1955, Dean of Chichester; Internet

  • Harper, Graeme

    1959 - , Is Professor and Dean of the Honors College at Oakland University; Michigan; USA. He has held professorships in the UK; USA and Australia

  • Hillecke, Thomas

    1966 - , Diss. Medizinische Fakultät; Psychologischer Psychotherapeut; Promotionsfach: Anaesthesiologie; 2002 Promotion zum Dr. sc. hum. an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg (magna cum laude); Dekan / Dean der Fakultät f. Therapiewissenschaften

  • Lowe, Alan V.

    1952 - , Barrister; Essex Court Chambers; London and academic specialising in the field of international law. PhD; Wales; 1980. Emeritus Professor of International Law and Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College; University of Oxford; 2012-. Chichele Professor of Public International Law; and a Fellow of All Souls College; Oxford; 1999-2012. Lecturer in Law; University of Cambridge; and Fellow and sometime Dean of Corpus Christi College; 1988-1999. Senior Lecturer in Law; ; 1986‑1988; Lecturer in Law; 1979‑1986; University of Manchester. Lecturer in Law; University of Wales; Cardiff; 1973‑1979.

  • North, John D.

    1934 - 2008, Prof. of Hist. of the Exact Sciences and dean of philos. faculty at Univ. of Groningen; Neth.; 1977-; formerly at Oxford; member of Royal Neth. Acad. of Arts and Sci.and Academia Leopoldina; fellow of Brit. Acad.; Brit. Mathematiker u. Philosoph

  • Packard, George R.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Dean; School of Advanced International Studies; Johns Hopkins Univ. (1984)

  • Pooley, Julie Ann

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD; Associate Dean of teaching and learning for the Faculty of Engineering; Health and Science and an Associate professor within the School of Psychology at Edith Cowan University

  • Scheurer, Timothy E.

    1947 - , Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Shawnee State Univ.; Portsmouth; Ohio
