1950 - , B.A.; M.A. in sociol.; Univ. of Haifa; Ph.D.; Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem; Prof. für Kommunikationswiss.; Haifa Univ.; Israel. Soziologe

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Professor in History of Christianity /Univ. Puget Sound; Columbia University; Ph.D.; with distinction; Religion; History of Christianity 2000; M.Phil. Religion 1996; M.A.; Religion 1994; University of Colorado; Boulder; English/Creative Writing (poetry) 1992; Princeton University; B.A.; Religion (and second thesis in Creative Writing); magna cum laude; Phi Beta Kappa 1990

- 1497, 1475 Student an der Univ. Leipzig; 1483 B.A.; 1488 M.A.; Sommersemester 1497 "resumptor in grammatica"; 1497 an der Pest gestorben

1727 - , Sohn des Johann Heinrich Beck (1690 in Basel; Basel; BS; CHEGest. ‎1758) u. der Maria Anna Burckhardt (1699 in Basel; CHEGest. ‎1792‎); 1741 stud. phil. (11.6.1743 b.a.; 8.6.1745 m.a.) u. 1745 stud. theol. in Basel

Wirkungsdaten 1566-1569, aus England; Studium in Heidelberg (17.4.1566 imm.); B.A. (1568); Magister (16.8.1569)

Wirkungsdaten 1908, B.A. L.L.D.; Valletta (Wirkungsort)

1928 - , B.A. University of Houston; Professor Emerita of French at King’s College London; Ontario

Wirkungsdaten 1590-1601, Student in Basel: 17.11.1590 b.a.; 15.08.1594 m.a.; 08.04.1596 Genf; 01.07.1598 Basel.

1644 - 1715, Vor 1661 stud. phil. (19.2.1661 b.a.; 18.11.1662 m.a.) u. 1663 stud. med. (16.2.1669 dr. med.) in Basel

1936 - , B.A. from Calvin College and a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University
