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  • Clifton, Kevin

    Wirkungsdaten 2018-, PhD; Associate Professor of Music Theory; Houston State University; School of Music

  • Fankhauser, Gabriel

    Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Music Theory at the Appalachian State University; Boone; North Carolina

  • Kim, Youn

    Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Musiktheoretikerin; Associate Professor; University of Hong Kong. Research interests: history of music theory; psychology of music; theory and analysis; history of listening; and in particular; from the interrelationship between music theory and the science of the mind.; PhD in music theory from Columbia Univ.

  • Losada, C. Catherine

    Wirkungsdaten 2014-, Associate Professor of Music Theory; University of Cincinnati; College-Conservatory of Music

  • McKee, Eric

    1961 - , Associate Professor of Music Theory at Penn State Univ.

  • Quaglia, Bruce

    Wirkungsdaten 2011-, Associate Professor in Music Theory an der University of Utah. Publiziert in Music Theory Online; Journal of the Society for American Music; Computer Music Journal; u.a. Schwerpunkt Musik des 19. und 20. Jh.; Schönberg; Wuorinen; Behinderung.

  • Reale, Steven

    Wirkungsdaten 2019-, Associate Professor of Music Theory an der Youngstown State University; Youngstown; OH. Schwerpunkt Musik für Videospiele
