Erweiterte Suche


  • Bodnar, John E.

    1944 - , Associate Dean of the Faculties; Associate Prof. of History and Director of the Oral History Research Center at Indiana Univ.; Bloomington (1985)

  • Edwards, Geoffrey

    1945 - , Tätig am Pembroke College; Univ. of Cambridge; Tätig als Acting Director am Univ. of Southern California's UK Program; Tätig als Research Associate am RIIA; European and Asia-Pacific Competition Practices

  • Hoffman, Edward

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Professor and Director of Music Education at the University of Montevallo; Ph.D. in Music with an emphasis in music education from the University of Nebraska

  • Hudson, Peter

    1965 - , associate professor; director; Centre for Palliative Care Education and Research; St. Vincent's Hospital and The University of Melbourne; Australia

  • Isaacson, Eric J.

    1963 - , Associate professor der Musiktheorie und director of graduate studies an der Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Schwerpunkte: Visualisierung musikalischer Information; Computerprogramme im Bereich musikalische Analyse und Musikpädagogik; vorserielle Musik der Zweiten Wiener Schule.

  • Kelly-McHale, Jacqueline

    Wirkungsdaten [20. Jh.], associate professor and the director of music education at DePaul University in Chicago; IL; PhD Northwestern University

  • Krischke-Ramaswamy, Mohini

    Wirkungsdaten 2007, Kultur- und Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin; Associate Director bei Ipsos; Hamburg.

  • Maxfield, Lynn

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Associate Director; National Center for Voice and Speech; University of Utah; Salt Lake City; Ph.D. in Voice Pedagogy from University of Iowa (2011)

  • Stensæth, Karette

    geboren 1963, erwähnt 2018, Associate Professor in Music Therapy and Director of the Centre for Research in Music and Health (CREMAH) at the Norwegian Academy of Music.

  • Willey, Robert

    Wirkungsdaten 2014-, Director and Associate Professor of Music Media Production an der School of Music der Ball State University; Hochschullehrer in Musiktheorie und Computermusik
