- Assistant Professor of Music Theory an der University of Kentucky. Vorher Lecturer of Music Theory an der University of Massachusetts Amherst. Schwerpunkte: musical contour theory 1
- Ball State University 1
- Memorial University 1
- New York. Her research focuses on nineteenth- and early twentieth-century opera 1
- School of Music 1
- Sheperd Shool of music 1
- and applied piano. 1
- and film 1
- and issues of performance and embodiment. 1
- and non-western musics. 1
Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Assistant professor of music theory; specializing in post-tonal and serial music; Memorial University; School of Music
Wirkungsdaten 2017-, Assistant Professor of Music Theory an der Rice University; Sheperd Shool of music
Wirkungsdaten 2015-, Assistant Professor of Music at Rocky Mountain College. Teaches music theory; music history; and applied piano.
Wirkungsdaten 2014-, Assistant Professor of Music Theory; Ball State University
Wirkungsdaten 2012, Assistant Professor of Music Theory at Texas Tech University.
Wirkungsdaten 2012-, Musiktheoretiker; Assistant Professor of Music Theory an der University of Kentucky. Vorher Lecturer of Music Theory an der University of Massachusetts Amherst. Schwerpunkte: musical contour theory; transformation theory; phenomenology; the analysis of post-tonal; popular; and non-western musics.
Wirkungsdaten 2007-, Assistant Professor of Film & Media Studies and Women's Studies at Colgate University in Hamilton; New York. Her research focuses on nineteenth- and early twentieth-century opera; dance; and film; with an emphasis on American music and cultural contexts; feminist theory; and issues of performance and embodiment.
1987 - , Assistant Professor of Music Theory an der Michigan State University. Kontrabassist. Interessenschwerpunkt: Rhythmus und Metrum; posttonale Musik; und die Music von Samuel Barber.