geboren 1940, erwähnt 1981, War bis 2008 Visiting Senior Research Fellow an der Univ. of the West of England in Bristol; wo er "German cinema and drama" lehrte

1958 - , Senior research fellow at the University of Copenhagen’s Center for Military Studies since 2013; as well as an adjunct fellow with CSIS since 2007 ; is a cofounder of the Center for Political Studies (CEPO); a Danish think tank founded in 2004 ; also served as a visiting fellow at the NATO Defense College in Rome in 2012 and was a guest scholar at the Heritage Foundation in Washington; D.C.; in 2008.

1977 - , is a Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione research fellow and a visiting lecturer at the Graduate Institute of Internaional and Development Studies in Geneva; Switzerland

1946 - , Dozent für industrial relations an der Univ. of Kent at Canterbury ; visiting fellow; Business History Unit ; Brit. Industriesoziologe ; tätig am King's College London; Management Centre und an der Said Business School; Univ. of Oxford

Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], Visiting fellow at the University of Bristol. Publishes widely on British music

Wirkungsdaten ca. 21. Jh., Visiting Postdoctoral Associate in the Philosophy Department at Florida International University; Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Philosophy and Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language at the Australian National University. (Stand 2017)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Dep. of For. Affairs and Trade; Govt. of Australia; Canberra ; Visiting fellow at the Trade Policy Research Centre; London; 1988-89 (1989)

1974 - , Postdoctoral Fellow at the Belgian Research Foundation - Flanders; member of the Working Group Film and TV Studies (Ghent University) and Visiting Professor at the Sint Lukas Hogeschool Brussel
