keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD in music psychology from Cambridge Univ.; where he also taught musicology. He worked in a variety of roles in government. In 2005; he was a special adviser at the Department of Trade and Industry; following a period working in the Labour party's policy unit. Prior to that; he was a civil servant in the Treasury.

Wirkungsdaten 2006-, PhD Hab.; Professor; The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music (FCUM); Warsaw; Head of the Unit of Psychology of Music

1969 - , Research on the psychophysical and ergogenig effects of music. Author of sport and exercise psychology. Member of the British Psychological Society and Fellow of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

Wirkungsdaten 2013-, Musiktheoretikerin; Associate Professor; University of Hong Kong. Research interests: history of music theory; psychology of music; theory and analysis; history of listening; and in particular; from the interrelationship between music theory and the science of the mind.; PhD in music theory from Columbia Univ.

Wirkungsdaten 2020; ca. 21. Jh, Research Associate in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University; where he directs the Music Lab. The lab's research asks how and why the design of the human mind leads us to perceive; create; and engage with music across human societies and across the lifespan.

Wirkungsdaten 2012-, researcher and lecturer at the University of Jyväskylä; Department of Music; Forschungsschwerpunkte: music and emotion; personality; and developmental psychology of music
