keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Dr.; Prof. of Geography at the Univ. of Tennessee; Knoxville (1985)

Wirkungsdaten 2012-, Associate Professor at the City University of New York (Queensborough). Her major research interests are Holocaust and Genocide Studies as well as Nationalism and Historical Geography

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Forschungsinteressen: Geschichte der Sowjetunion; sowjetische Umweltgeschichte; Katastrophenforschung; Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Klimawandel; promovierte an der Eberhard Karls Universität in Tübingen über die gesellschaftlichen und politischen Auswirkungen des armenischen Erdbebens von 1988; seit Mai 2017 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der School of Geography; Earth and Environmental Sciences der Universität Birmingham

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Prof. of geography; tätig am University of Pécs; Hungary

1962 - , 2003: independent economic researcher studying problems of poverty; geography; and health in developing countries; PhD in economics; MA in demography; Univ. of California; Harvard Univ.; Cambridge; Mass.

1949 - , Prof. of Urban Geography

1971 - , Faculty of Theology; Diaconia and Leadership Studies; VID Specialized University; Stavanger; Norway; academic disciplines: Law; Human geography; Social anthropology; Political science and organisational theory; Theology and religious studies.

1927 - 2017, Geograf; Anthropogeograph, Wirtschaftsgeograph; Prof. Emeritus of Human Geography and Economic Geography

1940 - , Professor; School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Univ. of Papua New Guinea; Dep. of Geography and Planning; Univ. of New England; Australia; Dep. of Internat. Studies; American Univ. of Sharjah; United Arab Emirates

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig am Dep. of Geography; Univ. of Nottingham; Tätig am Dep. of Geography; Univ. of Bristol; Tätig an der School of Geography and Earth Resources; Univ. of Hull
