Erweiterte Suche


  • Adler, William M.

    1931 - , Freelance writer who has written for numerous publ.; incl. "Esquire"; "Rolling Stone"; and the "Texas Observer". Author of "Mollies's job"; New York; NY 2000

  • Armati, Cristiano

    1974 - , lives and works in Rome as a writer; contributes to the monthly "Blue"

  • Brown, Anthony Cave

    1929 - 2006, journalist; espionage non-fiction writer and historian

  • Cornwell-Clyne, Adrian

    1892 - 1969, English light artist; inventor; and writer

  • Dance, Robin

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, British artist; writer and lecturer

  • De Rosa, Francesco

    1968 - , journalist and writer; holds degree in philosophy; started "Neomedia"; an agency of communication and multimedia journalism; involved in screenwriting for television

  • Dzélépy, E. N.

    1892 - , political journalist and writer based in France and Belgium; list of works chiefly in French; some in English

  • Hastings, Hugh

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Brit. writer and photographer

  • Hurt, Avery Elizabeth

    Wirkungsdaten 2007-, writes about science and other topics for children as well as grown-ups; freelance health and science writer

  • M'Gavin, William

    1773 - 1832, significant Scots ... a modern controversial and miscellaneous writer %Internet
