geboren 1932, Arzt; Chirurg in Washington D.C.

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Direktor des Armenian National Institute (ANI) und des Armenian Genocide Museum of America project; Washington D.C.

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Economist at The World Bank; Washington; D.C.; Ausbildung an der Georgetown University; Senior Project Management Consultant an der National Bank of Hungary

1904 - 1985, Lawyer and author; had previously worked for the Treasury Department and in 1943 became Secretary-Treasurer and General Counsel for the National Gallery of Art in Washington; D.C.

1958 - , Senior research fellow at the University of Copenhagen’s Center for Military Studies since 2013; as well as an adjunct fellow with CSIS since 2007 ; is a cofounder of the Center for Political Studies (CEPO); a Danish think tank founded in 2004 ; also served as a visiting fellow at the NATO Defense College in Rome in 2012 and was a guest scholar at the Heritage Foundation in Washington; D.C.; in 2008.

Wirkungsdaten 1949, Zweiter Sekretär des Nationalrates für Kriegsverhütung; Washington; D.C.

Wirkungsdaten 1944-1951, Washington; D.C. (Wirkungsort)

1980 - , Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington; D.C.; USA; and Assistant Professor at Maastricht University; The Netherlands

1950 - , Director of the Churches' Center for Theology and Public Policy; Washington; D.C.; she has written and lectured extensively on Bonhoeffer and peace issues and was the Bonhoeffer lecturer at the University of Berlin in 1995; Public-policy coordinator of the Presbyterian Peacemaking program

1928 - , Consulting engineer and adjunct associate Professor; Department of Electrical Engineering; The Catholic Univeristy of America; Washington; D.C.
