Erweiterte Suche


  • Boulton, Kenneth O.

    1962 - , Pianist; soloist and chamber musician; native of Seattle; Wash.; D.M.A. from Univ. of Maryland; on piano faculties of the Wilmington Music School; Delaware and West Chester Univ.; Pa.

  • Fischer, Willi W...

    Wirkungsdaten 1973-, 1973 Professor an der University of Washington <Seattle; Wash.>.

  • Nielsen, Lynge

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig beim Internat. Monetary Fund (IMF); Washington; DC; USA; Tätig an der Washington State Univ.; Pullman; Wash.

  • Stackelberg, Roderick

    1935 - 2018, Prof. of humanities at Gonzaga University in Spokane; Wash.; Amerikan.Sozialwissenschaftler
