1909 - 1995, CERN: President of the Council at CERN for the years 1964; 1965 and 1966 and was President of the Finance Committee from 1958 to 1960; in the Netherlands; he is Director of ZWO (Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research) and also Vice-President of the National Commission for UNESCO
1948 - , Senior economist in the Economics and Policy Div. of the World Bank's Agriculture and Rural Development Department; President of Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev; Israel (1990); Pervyj vice-prezident Associacii Marketinga (1994); Pervyj Zamestitelʹ Ministra Gosudarstvennogo Imuščestva RF (1998)
1871 - 1957, Jurist; Historiker; professor of law at Portia Law School in Boston and vice-president of the school; member of the council of the Massachusetts Historical Society; president of the American Jewish Historical Society
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Vice president and manager; ARCO Oil and Gas Company (1987)
1922 - 1999, US-amerikan. Politikberater für Außenpolitik; Executive Director; American Committee on United Europe; Vice President; Radio Free Europe; International Relations Specialist; Government Accounting Office (GAO) Washington; DC
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Goethe University Frankfurt; Center for Financial Studies; Institute for Law and Finance and SAFE; Germany; Partner Ernst & Young LLP; Vice president; Citibank; New York (1985)
1972 - , Senior vice president of the Legatum Institute; previously served as senior director for strategic planning on the National Security Council at the White House; has worked at the State Department as a member of the policy planning staff and in the Office of International Religious Freedom and at the American Enterprise Institute as a Civitas fellow
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, senior vice-president; ZAO Atomstroiexport
Wirkungsdaten 1968, Vice President Economics Club; Howard University
Wirkungsdaten 1969, Staff Vice President; R.C.A. David Sardoff Research Center; Pronceton; NJ