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  • Aelst, José van

    1955 - , Works as PhD mentor at the Research Institute of History and Culture; University of Utrecht. Parttime she works as post-doc on Late Medieval Passion Meditation. As PhD mentor she supports the appr. 65 PhD students of the Research Institute. This means that she monitors the progress of the PhD projects and supports the PhD's if problems of any kind occur. Furthermore; she organizes a training program for the PhD students.

  • Benedictus, Fedde

    Wirkungsdaten 2016-, tätig am Institut for the History and Foundations of Physics Utrecht University

  • Bogt, Tom ter

    1965 - , niederländ. Soziologe; Doctor of Philosophy; Utrecht University; music educator

  • Düwell, Marcus

    1962 - , Professor für Ethik am Ethics Institute; Utrecht University

  • Haan-Rietdijk, Silvia de

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Methods & Statistics; Faculty of Social Sciences; Utrecht University

  • Keilbach, Judith

    1969 - , Associate Professor of Television Studies in the Media and Culture Studies Department of Utrecht University (The Netherlands). She received her Ph.D. in Film Studies from the Freie Universität Berlin. - Wiss. Mitarb. am Seminar für Filmwiss.; FU Berlin

  • Koops, Hendrik Vincent

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig an der Utrecht University; Department of Information and Computing Sciences; Forschungsschwerpunkte: music information retrieval; artificial intelligence; computational harmony analysis; automatic chord estimation
