Erweiterte Suche


  • Baird, Sarah

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Department of Global Health; Milken Institute School of Public Health; George Washington University; Washington; DC; USA

  • Bodor, Andras

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Economist at The World Bank; Washington; D.C.; Ausbildung an der Georgetown University; Senior Project Management Consultant an der National Bank of Hungary

  • Connell, Claire

    Wirkungsdaten 2007-, University of Washington (2007)

  • Craun, Edwin D.

    Wirkungsdaten 1997-, Dept. of English; Washington and Lee University

  • Dahl, Ann-Sofie

    1958 - , Senior research fellow at the University of Copenhagen’s Center for Military Studies since 2013; as well as an adjunct fellow with CSIS since 2007 ; is a cofounder of the Center for Political Studies (CEPO); a Danish think tank founded in 2004 ; also served as a visiting fellow at the NATO Defense College in Rome in 2012 and was a guest scholar at the Heritage Foundation in Washington; D.C.; in 2008.

  • Dudley, Shannon

    Wirkungsdaten ca. 2001-, US-Musikwiss.; Prof. of Ethnomusicology; School of Music; University of Washington

  • Fischer, Willi W...

    Wirkungsdaten 1973-, 1973 Professor an der University of Washington <Seattle; Wash.>.

  • Goldberg, Nathaniel Jason

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Professor of Philosophy at Washington and Lee University; Lexington; Virginia

  • Green, Barbara G.

    1950 - , Director of the Churches' Center for Theology and Public Policy; Washington; D.C.; she has written and lectured extensively on Bonhoeffer and peace issues and was the Bonhoeffer lecturer at the University of Berlin in 1995; Public-policy coordinator of the Presbyterian Peacemaking program

  • Hoffman, Adria Rachel

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig am College of Education; University of Mary Washington; Fredericksburg
