- DMus in Choral Performance at the University of Pretoria 1
- Department of Psychiatry 1
- Division of Philosophy and Ethics of Mental Health 1
- Faculty of Health Sciences 1
- Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCE) from UNISA 1
- South Africa 1
- University of Pretoria 1
- lecturer and post-graduate supervisor for students specialising in music education 1
- Professor 1
- University of Pretoria 1
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, University of Pretoria; DMus in Choral Performance at the University of Pretoria; Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCE) from UNISA
Wirkungsdaten 2016-, Professor; Division of Philosophy and Ethics of Mental Health; Department of Psychiatry; Faculty of Health Sciences; University of Pretoria; South Africa
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, focal area of research is community music involvement projects which form an integral part of tertiary and post-graduate music education programmes in the Department of Music at the University of Pretoria; lecturer and post-graduate supervisor for students specialising in music education