- 2014 1
- Academy of Music and Drama 1
- Associate Professor of Latin at the University of Gothenburg 1
- Communication and Learning 1
- Diss. 1
- Gothenburg University 1
- Univ. 1
- Univ. of Gothenburg 1
- University of Gothenburg 1
- University of Gothenburg. Research interests: identity creation and knowledge formation 1
1972 - , Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies at the Department of Cultural Sciences; University of Gothenburg. Research interests: identity creation and knowledge formation; creation of power relations in various musical practices.
1961 - , Göteborg; Univ.; Diss.; 2014; Academy of Music and Drama; Gothenburg University
1959 - , Tätig an der University of Gothenburg
1972 - , Ph.D. 2001; Univ. of Gothenburg; Associate Professor of Latin at the University of Gothenburg
1945 - , Professor Emeritus of music and society at Gothenburg University
1976 - , tätig am Department of Education; Communication and Learning; University of Gothenburg