keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, 2017 beschäftigt im Department of Fine Arts; University College of Arts; Crafts and Design; Stockholm

Wirkungsdaten ca. 21.Jh., is an associate professor of ethnomusicology and dance studies at Residental College in the Arts and Humanities at Michigan State University. She has conducted fieldwork in dancehalls in the Midwestern United States; studying the performance of couple dance genres like salsa; swing; tango; and ballroom. Her work on popular culture involves the relationship between music and dance as well as the dynamics of affinity groups; cross-cultural encounters; and amateur performance. Her research on whiteness; race; and performance appears in The Journal of American Folklore; Dance Research Journal; American Music; and elsewhere. Before joining MSU; Joanna taught at Bowdoin College and Millikin University. When not in her office; Joanna enjoys dancing; “musicking; ” swimming; and playing in the park with her daughter; Ellery.

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig am Department of Fine Arts and Computer Science; Hedmark University College; Elverum

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Promotion an der Arizona State University; tätig an der Boston University; College of Fine Arts

1969 - , Assistant Prof. of Women and Gender Studies; Univ. of Calafornia; Davis.; Director of the Center for the Study of Gender & Sexuality an der New York University; College of Arts and Science (2020)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig an der University of North Florida; College of Arts and Sciences

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD candidate at Bergen University College and a doctoral student at the Sibelius Academy; University of the Arts Helsinki. Forschungsschwerpunkte: music technology and education

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, seit 2016 tätig an der Webster University; Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Music Education; Department of Music; Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts; Artistic Director (CHARIS; the St. Louis Women’s Chorus); Promotion (2016) am College of Music; Michigan State University

Wirkungsdaten 2000-, Student an der Yale Law School (2015-2018); hatte zuvor das Studium an der University of Notre Dame zum Doktor der Philosophie abgeschlossen (2007-2013); sowie an der University of Chicago als Bachelor of Arts (2000-2004); arbeitete 2013-2015 als College Fellow an der Harvard University

Wirkungsdaten 2014-, Director of Academic Advising; College of Fine Arts an der School of Music der Western Michigan University

Leaflet | Map tiles by BSB MDZ, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.