- 1977- 1
- American Univ. 1
- Brit. Mathematiker u. Philosoph 1
- College of Arts and Science (2020) 1
- Columbia Univ. Assistant Prof. of Medieval Art and Architecture in the Department of History of Art at Yale University 1
- DC 1
- Davis. 1
- Director of the Center for the Study of Gender & Sexuality an der New York University 1
- Education Univ. of Hong Kong (Stand 2021) 1
- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 1
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, 2014 beschäftigt im Department of Theorretical Music Studies "George Enescu" Univ. of the Arts Iaşi
1973 - , Canada Research Chair at the Canadian Centre of Arts and Technology; Univ. of Waterloo
1948 - , Assoc. Prof. in the Dep. of Fine and Performing Arts at Saint Louis Univ.
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, teaches in the Dept. of Theatre and Media Arts at Brigham Young Univ.
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, studiert 2017 am College of Communication; Univ. of the Arts; London
1969 - , Assistant Prof. of Women and Gender Studies; Univ. of Calafornia; Davis.; Director of the Center for the Study of Gender & Sexuality an der New York University; College of Arts and Science (2020)
1957 - , Prof. in the Department of Communication Arts at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
1971 - , Phil.Diss. 2002; Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; Columbia Univ. Assistant Prof. of Medieval Art and Architecture in the Department of History of Art at Yale University
1934 - 2008, Prof. of Hist. of the Exact Sciences and dean of philos. faculty at Univ. of Groningen; Neth.; 1977-; formerly at Oxford; member of Royal Neth. Acad. of Arts and Sci.and Academia Leopoldina; fellow of Brit. Acad.; Brit. Mathematiker u. Philosoph
Wirkungsdaten 2004-, Diss. Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences; American Univ.; Washington; DC