keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, School of Finance; Queensland Univ. of Technology (1994)

1979 - , Diss. über internationale Beziehungen; University of Queensland; 2005. Senior Research Fellow in International Relations at the Griffith Asia Institute and Centre for Governance and Public Policy; Griffith University; Australia. Dozentin an der School of Justice; Faculty of Law; Queensland Univ. of Technology

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Senior Lecturer; School of Business and Enterprise; University of the West of Scotland; University of Fiji; Department of Accounting; zuvor Dozent an der Univ. of Southern Queensland

1966 - , Postdoctoral Fellow; Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies; Univ. of Queensland

1925 - 1986, Professor; Dep. of History; Univ. of Queensland; Historiker ind. Herkunft
