- Univ. of Michigan 2
- 1998: Associate Prof. of Spanish and American Culture at the Univ. of Michigan. - 2003: Prof. and Dir. of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the Univ. of Illinois 1
- Ann Arbor 1
- Ann Arbor) 1
- Berater d. Royal Ballet 1
- Chicago. 1
- Eastern Michigan Univ. 1
- Indiana 1
- Inst. for Social Research 1
- Mich. 1
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Center for Political Studies; Inst. for Social Research; Univ. of Michigan (1986)
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, US-amerikan. Hispanistin; 1998: Associate Prof. of Spanish and American Culture at the Univ. of Michigan. - 2003: Prof. and Dir. of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the Univ. of Illinois; Chicago.
1945 - , Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies; Univ. of Michigan
1969 - , Ass. prof. of organizational studies at the Univ. of Michigan
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig am Dep. of Economics; Univ. of Michigan; Ann Arbor; Mich.
1941 - , Professor of English and Medieval studies at Purdue Univ. in West Lafayette; Indiana; PhD in English language and literature from the Univ. of Michigan in 1969
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Prof. of Political Science; Eastern Michigan Univ.
1942 - , Amerikan. Musikwissenschaftler und Schriftsteller; Prof. für Musik (Univ. of Michigan; Ann Arbor); Berater d. Royal Ballet
1916 - 1985, Prof. of philosophy; Michigan State Univ. (1991)