Wirkungsdaten 2012-, seit 2011 Doktorantin in Musikinstrumentenkunde an der Univ. of Edinburgh

1967 - , Tätig am Dep. of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics; Maxwell Inst. for Mathematical Sciences; Heriot-Watt Univ.; Edinburgh; Scotland; UK

1953 - , Dir. of Voluntary and Non-Profit Res. Unit; Lect. in Public Service Management at Aston Univ.; UK; Head of Public Management Group; Aston Business School; Tätig an der Management and Economics School; Univ. of Edinburgh; Pres. of the Internat. Society for Public Management

1962 - , Niederländ. Informatiker; tätig bei der Dream Group; Dept. of Artificial Intelligence; Univ. of Edinburgh

Leaflet | Map tiles by BSB MDZ, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.