1964 - , Accomplished translator; Prof. of Linguistics; Univ. of Delhi

1916 - , Professor; Univ. of Delhi; Ind. Literaturwiss.

1925 - , Prof. of Polit. Science; Univ. of Delhi (1988)

1925 - , Ind. Wirtschaftswiss.; Professor; Univ. of Delhi

1957 - , Ind. Musikwissenschaftlerin und Interpretin; Fac. of Music & Fine Arts; Univ. of Delhi

1904 - 1966, Botany Dep.; Univ. of Delhi; Ind. Botaniker

1937 - , Verf. von "Historical dictionary of India"; Ind. Historikerin; Prof.; School of Internat. Studies; Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.; New Delhi

Wirkungsdaten 2000-, Lehrt Philosophie an der Univ. New Delhi; zuvor an den Univ. Waterloo; I.I.T.; Kanpur und Viswa Bharati Univ.; war Fellow am Indian Inst. of Advanced Studies; Shimla; Indischer Philosoph

1955 - , Verf. von "India's diplomacy in the United Nations"; Ind. Prof. für internat. Organisation; School of Internat. Studies; Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.; New Delhi

Wirkungsdaten 1983, Ind. Politologe; Professor; School of Internat. Studies; Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.; New Delhi; Prof. & chairman of the Centre for Canadian; US and Latin American Studies; Ordained Priest of Church of North India Pastoring at Cathedral Church of Redemption
