1938 - , Dep. of Disarmament Affairs; United Nations; Ceylones. Diplomat

1930 - , Ph.D. Amsterdam 1962. Consultant; associated with United Nations Development Programme; Holländ. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler

1884 - 1961, Buchumschlag: "Educated at Clifton College and Trinity College; Oxford. Career at the India Office; became Deputy Under-Secretary of State during the 2. World War. Member of the Supervisory Financial Commission at the League of Nations from 1938-1946; he has also worked for the United Nations. As well as 2 books on economic subjects; Sir Cecil has written another books on a Russian theme; "The Waggon of life"; which consists of verse translations of 19.-century Russian poetry; He is married and lives in London"

1977 - , Ulrich Kühn studierte Geschichte an der Rheinischen-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Von 2007 bis 2008 arbeitete er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Waitangi Tribunal Unit des neuseeländischen Justizministeriums. 2008-2009 absolvierte er den postgraduellen Masterstudiengang Master of Peace and Security Policy Studies am IFSH. Von 2010 bis 2011 arbeitete er als externer Berater für nukleare Rüstungskontrolle des Grundsatzreferats Abrüstung; Rüstungskontrolle und Nichtverbreitung (Ref. OR09) beim Auswärtigen Amt in Berlin. 2011 wurde er als „United Nations Fellow on Disarmament“ ausgezeichnet. 2015 promovierte er zum Thema des Regimeverfalls kooperativer Rüstungskontrolle in Europa. Momentan koordiniert er das Projekt zu "Challenges to Deep Nuclear Cuts".

Wirkungsdaten 2008-, PhD; King's College; Cambridge University; 2009. Lecturer in International Development; University of Edinburgh. U.a. tätig für United Nations High Commission for Refugees Policy Development and Evaluation Unit. Semior Research Associate at the Regugee Law Initiative at the School of Advanced Studies; University of London

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, United Nations Industrial Development Organization; Vienna (1986)

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, A Rhodes Scholar and a gradute of Harvard College. MBA as a Sloan Fellow at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chief Executive of Oxford Analytica; the leading global analysis and advisory firm. He served at the United Nations; as a political officer in Bosnia-Herzegovina; and in the office of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan from 1997 to 2003. He was an investment banker at Goldman Sachs; 2004-09

1955 - , Verf. von "India's diplomacy in the United Nations"; Ind. Prof. für internat. Organisation; School of Internat. Studies; Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.; New Delhi

Wirkungsdaten 1981-, Dr.; tätig als "programme planning and budget officer"; Programmme Planning and Budget Div.; United Nations. Zuvor tätig für die Ges. für techn. Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) und die Bank of America

1908 - 1985, Ph.D.; Univ. of Chicago bzw. Marburg 1932; correspondent; educational consultant ; United Nations Deputy High Commissioner from 1951 to 1960
