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  • Barnett, Andrew

    1961 - , Brit. Begründer der UK Sibelius Society

  • Beattie, Cordelia

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Senior Lecturer in Medieval HIstory at the University of Edinburgh; UK (2011)

  • Bilton, Chris

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Director of the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies at Univ. of Warwick; UK

  • Bonneville-Roussy, Arielle

    Wirkungsdaten ca. 21. Jh., University of Roehampton and University of Cambridge; UK

  • Brewer, Anthony A.

    1942 - , Univ. of Bristol; UK 1996)

  • Burkett, Jodi

    1979 - , Senior Lecturer in History; University of Portsmouth; UK

  • Choat, Simon

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Lecturer in Politics at Queen Mary; University in London; UK

  • Cohen, Laurie

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Professor of Organizational Studies at the Business School Loughborough Univ.; UK

  • Cooper, Neil

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Monetary Instruments and Markets Div.; Bank of England; UK (1996-)

  • Dailey, E. T.

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Professor of early medieval history at University of Leeds; UK
