- MSc LSE 1
- PhD Birmingham 1
- UCL 1
- UCL) 1
- culture and urban regeneration 1
- planning and urban policies in European cities 1
- research interests: urban governance 1
- BSc UCL 1
- Senior lecturer in urban sociology and European spatial planning at Bartlett School of Planning 1
- tätig bei The Bartlett (Bartlett School of Architecture 1
1978 - , Senior lecturer in urban sociology and European spatial planning at Bartlett School of Planning; UCL; research interests: urban governance; planning and urban policies in European cities; culture and urban regeneration
Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], tätig bei The Bartlett (Bartlett School of Architecture; UCL)
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, BSc UCL; MSc LSE; PhD Birmingham