- "The Waggon of life" 1
- He is married and lives in London" 1
- Oxford. Career at the India Office 1
- Sir Cecil has written another books on a Russian theme 1
- became Deputy Under-Secretary of State during the 2. World War. Member of the Supervisory Financial Commission at the League of Nations from 1938-1946 1
- he has also worked for the United Nations. As well as 2 books on economic subjects 1
- which consists of verse translations of 19.-century Russian poetry 1
- Buchumschlag: "Educated at Clifton College and Trinity College 1
1884 - 1961, Buchumschlag: "Educated at Clifton College and Trinity College; Oxford. Career at the India Office; became Deputy Under-Secretary of State during the 2. World War. Member of the Supervisory Financial Commission at the League of Nations from 1938-1946; he has also worked for the United Nations. As well as 2 books on economic subjects; Sir Cecil has written another books on a Russian theme; "The Waggon of life"; which consists of verse translations of 19.-century Russian poetry; He is married and lives in London"