1940 - , Professor; School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Univ. of Papua New Guinea; Dep. of Geography and Planning; Univ. of New England; Australia; Dep. of Internat. Studies; American Univ. of Sharjah; United Arab Emirates

1937 - , Verf. von "Historical dictionary of India"; Ind. Historikerin; Prof.; School of Internat. Studies; Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.; New Delhi

1955 - , Verf. von "India's diplomacy in the United Nations"; Ind. Prof. für internat. Organisation; School of Internat. Studies; Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.; New Delhi

Wirkungsdaten 1983, Ind. Politologe; Professor; School of Internat. Studies; Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.; New Delhi; Prof. & chairman of the Centre for Canadian; US and Latin American Studies; Ordained Priest of Church of North India Pastoring at Cathedral Church of Redemption

1942 - , Tätig an der Johns Hopkins Univ.; School of Advanced Internat. Studies (SAIS)

1957 - , Dir. of MA in European Studies; Internat. School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Univ. Amsterdam; Holländ. Soziologe
