- Aberdeen 1
- Brown University 1
- Center for Old World Art and Archaeology 1
- China 1
- Columbia Univ. Assistant Prof. of Medieval Art and Architecture in the Department of History of Art at Yale University 1
- Department of History of Art and Visual Culture and Department of Architecture 1
- Direktorin der Graduate School of Creative Art Therapies an der Universität Haifa 1
- Film 1
- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 1
- King's College 1
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, unterrichtet an der Ryerson University in the RTA School of Media; PhD in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester ; Themen: exhibition of popular music culture and popular music’s influence on contemporary art
Wirkungsdaten 2013-, School of Art; Yili Normal University; Yili; China
Wirkungsdaten 2013, She graduated in Chinese Studies from the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS); University of London. Her research interest covers contemporary literature; music; art and life histories.
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, 1996 Ph.D.; Center for Old World Art and Archaeology; Brown University; Department of History of Art and Visual Culture and Department of Architecture; Rhode Island School of Design; Providence; RI
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Dr.; School of History & History of Art; King's College; Aberdeen; Senior Lecturer in History of Art
1971 - , Phil.Diss. 2002; Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; Columbia Univ. Assistant Prof. of Medieval Art and Architecture in the Department of History of Art at Yale University
1978 - , Doctoral student in musicology at the School of Music; Theatre and Art; Örebro University. MA in ethno(musico)logy from Umeå University.
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Israelische Professorin; Direktorin der Graduate School of Creative Art Therapies an der Universität Haifa
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD at Newcastle University in 2006; Senior Lecturer in Media Studies; School of Art; Media and American Studies; Film; Television and Media