Erweiterte Suche


  • Bray, Liam

    Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], tätig an der University of Sydney; School of Architecture; Design and Planning Wilkinson Building

  • Craig, Curtis

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, 2013 tätig an der Pennsylvania State Univ; College of Arts and Architecture; School of Music/School of Theatre

  • Galor, Katharina

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, 1996 Ph.D.; Center for Old World Art and Archaeology; Brown University; Department of History of Art and Visual Culture and Department of Architecture; Rhode Island School of Design; Providence; RI

  • García Sánchez, María Teresa

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, beschäftigt an der Technical Univ. of Madrid; School of Architecture

  • Jung, Jacqueline E.

    1971 - , Phil.Diss. 2002; Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; Columbia Univ. Assistant Prof. of Medieval Art and Architecture in the Department of History of Art at Yale University

  • Lacey, Jordan

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, School of Architecture & Design; RMIT University; Melbourne; Vic.; Australia

  • Matthews, Emma-Kate

    Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], tätig bei The Bartlett (Bartlett School of Architecture; UCL)

  • Menin, Sarah

    keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, lecturer in the School of Architecture; Planning and Landscape; Univ. Newcastle-uopn-Tyne

  • Pelt, Robert Jan van

    1955 - , Spezialist für Architektur- und Stadtbaugeschichte. Archaeology degree and Masters in Arch. History from Univ. of Leiden; teaches cultural history at the school of arch. at Univ. of Waterloo; Ontario (1994); Prof. of Architecture at the University of Waterloo (1999); Holländ. Historiker u. Architekturtheoretiker

  • Tahiroğlu, Koray

    Wirkungsdaten [20./21. Jh.], tätig an der University School of Arts; Design and Architecture Miestentie; Espoo; Department of Media; Aalto Univ. School af Arts Aalto; FI (ca. 2021-)
