1874 – 1971, Präsident der New School for Social Research; Mitgründer der "University in Exile"

1903 – 1995, Literarhistoriker; Präsident der Modern Humanities Research Association

keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Center for Political Studies; Inst. for Social Research; Univ. of Michigan (1986)

erwähnt 1971 oder 2012 , Ozeanograph; Professor am Colorado Center for Astrodynamic Research

1893 – 1972, Hochschullehrer; Regierungspräsident in Liegnitz; Präsident der New School for Social Research; Zivilangestellter der OMGUS

1933 - , Assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research (1985-89); US-Botschafter in der Türkei (1989-91) und Thailand. Präsident d. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1991-1997); Amerikan. Politologe u. Diplomat

Wirkungsdaten 2003-, research fellow am Dept. of History; University of Nottingham (2003); Brit. Historikerin

1955 - , Works as PhD mentor at the Research Institute of History and Culture; University of Utrecht. Parttime she works as post-doc on Late Medieval Passion Meditation. As PhD mentor she supports the appr. 65 PhD students of the Research Institute. This means that she monitors the progress of the PhD projects and supports the PhD's if problems of any kind occur. Furthermore; she organizes a training program for the PhD students.

1955 - , Consultant to the Development Research Dep. of the World Bank

1939 - , Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar (born 12 October 1939) is an Indian journalist and columnist. He is consulting editor for the Economic Times and writes regularly for the Economic Times and The Times of India. He is also a Research Fellow at the Cato Institute. He is the elder brother of Mani Shankar Aiyar; who is a senior Congress leader.
