Wirkungsdaten ca. 20. Jh., Department of Psychology; University of Stirling
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Assist. Prof. at Department of Psychology; TOBB Economy and Technology University; Ph.D.; Cognitive Science; 2002-2007
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Department of Educational Sciences; Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences; Babes-Bolyai University; Cluj-Napoca; Romania and Department of Social Sciences; East Georgia State College; United States of America; dorin.dolean ubbcluj.ro
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig am Department of Psychology der University of Cambridge
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, PhD in music psychology from Cambridge Univ.; where he also taught musicology. He worked in a variety of roles in government. In 2005; he was a special adviser at the Department of Trade and Industry; following a period working in the Labour party's policy unit. Prior to that; he was a civil servant in the Treasury.
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Professor; Psychology Department; Western Washington University ; Ph. D. Emory University; 1990 (Cognitive/Developmental Psychology)
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Hochschullehrer an der University of California; Davis (Psychology Department and Center for Mind and Brain); Promotion an der University of Oregon
Wirkungsdaten 2012-, Department of Psychology; Aarhus University; Denmark
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Professor (Associate); Kobe Gakuin University; Department of Psychology
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, University College London; Department of Psychology and Human Development