- Czech Technical University in Prague (Stand 2016) 2
- Prague 2
- Ph. D. Student am Department of Radioelectronics 2
- Arizona State University 1
- Czech Technical University in Prague 1
- Inst. of Sociology 1
- Prag 1
- Tätig an der Karls-Univ. 1
- University of Economics in Prague 1
- University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse 1
1882 – 1945, tschechischer Anglist; Mitbegründer des Cercle Linguistique de Prague
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Tätig an der Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Inst. of Sociology; Prague; Tätig an der Karls-Univ.; Prag
1988 - , Ph. D. Student am Department of Radioelectronics; Czech Technical University in Prague (Stand 2016)
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Charles Univ.; Prague
1949 - , Vanderbilt University; University of Economics in Prague; University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse; Arizona State University
1940 - , retired director of Audience Research and Program Evaluation for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Prague
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, tätig im Marketing für das Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK)
Wirkungsdaten 2016-, Department of Radioelectronics; Czech Technical University in Prague
keine Angaben zu Lebensdaten, Ph. D. Student am Department of Radioelectronics; Czech Technical University in Prague (Stand 2016)
1949 - 2023, studied law; classical languages; archeology; theatre studies and art at the Vienna University and dance; voice and piano in Vienna and Prague. Founded the "Don Juan Archiv Wien" in 1987